jp.digitalmuseum.mr.message.EventProvider の使用

EventProvider を使用しているパッケージ
jp.digitalmuseum.mr Main package of matereal.
All classes and interfaces of matereal belongs to it or its sub-package. 
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.entity Classes each of which represents a type of robots or objects and their super-interfaces. 
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.message Classes and interfaces related to event handling of matereal. 
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.service Classes and interfaces related to services of matereal. 
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.task Classes and interfaces which define robot tasks. 
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.workflow Classes and interfaces related to workflow graphs for task management. 
jp.digitalmuseum.mr での EventProvider の使用
EventProvider を実装している jp.digitalmuseum.mr のクラス
 class Matereal
          Main class of matereal.
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.entity での EventProvider の使用
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.entity での EventProvider のサブインタフェース
 interface Entity
          Entity interface
 interface PhysicalEntity
          Physical entity interface.
 interface PhysicalRobot
 interface ProxyRobot
 interface Robot
          Robot interface.
Real and virtual robots implement this interface.
EventProvider を実装している jp.digitalmuseum.mr.entity のクラス
 class CloneWheelsRobot
          ProxyRobot: CloneWheelsRobot
Proxy robot class that copies moving functions to multiple robots.
 class EntityImpl
 class MindstormsNXT
          LEGO Mindstorms NXT
 class MindstormsNXTWithPen
 class Mini
          Mini, a prototype robot developed at JST ERATO Igarashi Design Interface Project.
 class NetTansor
          NetTansor/NetTansor Web
 class Noopy
          Noopy, a prototype robot.
 class Noopy2
          Noopy v.2, a prototype robot.
 class PhysicalBox
 class PhysicalCylinder
 class PhysicalEntityAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of PhysicalEntity.
 class PhysicalRobotAbstractImpl
 class ProxyRobotAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of ProxyRobot.
VirtualRobot implementation classes must extend this abstract class.
 class RobotAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of Robot.
Robot classes must extend this abstract class.
 class Roomba
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.hakoniwa での EventProvider の使用
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.hakoniwa での EventProvider のサブインタフェース
 interface HakoniwaEntity
EventProvider を実装している jp.digitalmuseum.mr.hakoniwa のクラス
 class Hakoniwa
 class HakoniwaBox
 class HakoniwaCylinder
 class HakoniwaEntityAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of HakoniwaEntity.
HakoniwaEntity implementation classes must extend this abstract class.
 class HakoniwaRobot
          HakoniwaRobot, a robot on the Hakoniwa simulator.
 class HakoniwaRobotWithCleanerBrush
 class HakoniwaRobotWithPen
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.message での EventProvider の使用
EventProvider を返す jp.digitalmuseum.mr.message のメソッド
 EventProvider Event.getSource()
EventProvider 型のパラメータを持つ jp.digitalmuseum.mr.message のコンストラクタ
Event(EventProvider source)
UpdateEvent(EventProvider eventProvider)
UpdateEvent(EventProvider eventProvider, java.lang.String parameter, java.lang.Object value)
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.service での EventProvider の使用
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.service での EventProvider のサブインタフェース
 interface CoordProvider
          Implementation class of this interface provides a mapping from a screen coordinate to a world coordinate.
 interface EntityInformationProvider
          Interface implemented by classes providing additional information about entities.
 interface HomographyCoordProvider
 interface ImageProvider
          Interface implemented by classes providing images in real-time.
 interface LocationProvider
          Interface implemented by classes which provide position information of entities.
 interface ScreenLocationProvider
          Interface implemented by classes which provide position information of entities.
 interface Service
          Service interface.
EventProvider を実装している jp.digitalmuseum.mr.service のクラス
 class Camera
          Camera capture service.
 class HomographyCoordProviderAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of CoordProvider.
 class LocationProviderAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of LocationProvider.
 class MarkerDetector
          Marker detector service using NyARToolkit.
 class ScreenLocationProviderAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of LocationProvider.
 class ServiceAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation for Service interface.
All Service implementation classes must extend this abstract class.
 class ServiceGroup
          Class for grouping services.
 class TestService
          Sample service class.
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.task での EventProvider の使用
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.task での EventProvider のサブインタフェース
 interface LocationBasedTask
          Task interface that defines methods for acquiring location information.
 interface MobileTask
 interface Task
          Task interface
EventProvider を実装している jp.digitalmuseum.mr.task のクラス
 class AvoidCollision
          Task: Avoid collision
Avoid collision with other entities.
 class Capture
 class DrawPath
 class EndCleaning
 class EndPen
 class FillPath
 class FillPathLoosely
 class Follow
          Task: Follow
Follow another instance.
 class FollowVectorField
 class GoBackward
 class GoForward
 class LocationBasedTaskAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of LocationBasedTask.
 class MobileCleaningTask
 class MobilePenTask
 class MobileTaskAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of MobileTask.
 class Move
          Task: Move
Move to a certain position.
 class Push
          Task: Push
Push an object to a certain position.
 class PutPen
 class Rotate
          Task: RotateTo
Rotate to look towards a certain direction.
 class SpinLeft
 class SpinRight
 class StartCleaning
 class Stop
 class TaskAbstractImpl
          Abstract implementation of Task interface.
All Task implementation classes must extend this abstract class.
 class TracePath
 class TracePathLoosely
 class VectorFieldTask
          Abstract task that only needs getVector(Position) method implemented by sub-classes to work.
jp.digitalmuseum.mr.workflow での EventProvider の使用
EventProvider を実装している jp.digitalmuseum.mr.workflow のクラス
 class Action
 class ControlNode
 class Fork
 class Join
 class Node
 class Workflow

Copyright by Jun KATO (arc@dmz) at https://mr.digitalmuseum.jp/